Developing a business case (BC) for a social business involves outlining the rationale, feasibility, and expected impact of the venture while attaining economic, social, and environmental objectives. While business case development is the key to success for every new venture, for social enterprises, it is an extremely difficult task as they are not driven by profitable opportunities. Social ventures are linked with solving social problems, which may be multifaced. At the Centre for Development Research (CDR), we bring expertise from international scholars and social-market analysts that help create new opportunities and solve problems. We bring our expertise in solving local problems with global insights, such as UN Sustainable Development Goals., Triple Bottom Line, and other development agendas. Our research team delivers well-structured documentation to support critical business initiatives and overcome challenges, as well as risk assessment, potential Investments, and projects. The analysis can be used for scaling up social initiatives and attracting donor funding. Our approach to BC development is driven by data, research, and examples. Given below are some basic outputs we provide to clients as part of BC development:
Executive Summary
Problem Statement
Market Analysis
Value proposition
Impact assessment
Financial projection
Risks and Mitigation
After all, the business case development should capture the expectations of the organisations, reduce uncertainty and provide transparency of the complete scope of the business. When a project progresses it is important not only to monitor but also to report what is the actual progress of the project, where support necessary that is administered through Business case development.